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Pinball + Video Games

Belles & Chimes Chicago: Season 15

Belles & Chimes Chicago: Season 15!
Orientation/Practice Tournament: Wednesday 2/12, 7:30

Belles & Chimes Chicago returns for their 15th season at Logan Arcade!

We will have an orientation / practice event on Wednesday,  Feb 12th at 7:30pm at Logan Arcade. It will cover basics, and we’ll have a practice league night for anyone that wants to hang and learn about the flow. The first official league night will be on Wednesday, Feb 19th at 7:30pm. 

General info:

*Season dues = $25 (cash only please!), which goes to admin costs, t-shirts & prizes

*5 out of 7 matches will count towards your points total in the standings - which means you can drop 2 of your lowest scores or miss 2 sessions without it affecting your standings.

*You must play in 4 sessions to qualify for the tournaments at the end of the season and to receive IFPA points. A-division is top 12 finishers in league, B-division are players seeded below 12.

*A-Division final will take place on Weds, June 4th at 7pm. Top 12 players will battle for their positions at the final. A Division finals format will be: Top 4 in league standings receive a bye, remaining players will play on a predetermined bank of 3 games in 4-player matchplay groups. Top 2 players advance to the next round, until we have determined the top 4. 

*B-Division finals for prizes will be on Weds, June 11th at 7pm. Format will be head-to-head single elimination and will determine prizes for the top finishers in the division. IFPA results will be taken from your league standings and not from this optional tournament. 

Season 15 schedule:
Feb 12 intro / orientation / practice run
Feb 19th matchplay 1
[Feb 26th women’s monthly tournament - not part of league]
Mar 5th matchplay 2
Mar 19th matchplay 3
[Mar 26th women’s monthly tournament- not part of league]
April 2nd matchplay 4
April 16th matchplay 5
April 30th [women’s monthly tournament - not part of league]
May 7 matchplay 6
May 21st matchplay 7
[May 28th women’s monthly tournament - not part of league]
June 4th A-division final (7pm)
June 11th B-division final (7pm)
June 18th - End of season party with ERIS FOOD and PRIZES and T-Shirts!!!!

What is Belles & Chimes Chicago? 
Belles & Chimes is a national network of women’s pinball leagues that started in Oakland, CA in 2013. B&C now represents in multiple cities across the U.S. and the world! They are inclusive in their definition of the word “women”—   LGBTQIA+, nonbinary, femmes and trans players are more than welcome! Beginners and pin-curious folks are also welcome and encouraged to join.

What is IFPA?
The objective of the International Flipper Pinball Association (IFPA) is to serve as the governing body for pinball as a competitive sport, through the sanctioning and organizing of events at the Local, State, National and International levels. Belles & Chimes Chicago is an IFPA Women’s Event sanctioned league and WPPR points are awarded if you play in at least 4 matches.

To join the Belles & Chimes Chicago’s email list, send them an email at bellesandchimeschicago@gmail.com!